Monday, December 15, 2008

What a ride, too bad it's only going down.

Where to begin. I have been up and down a lot lately. Let's just say that my SNG and cash games are going well, but my MTTs on Sunday were terrible. I got knocked out on the first hand of the Sunday Million with AA v 55 on a 23445 board. Oh well, let's forget about Sunday!

Woke up Monday and started playing some Satellites into the LAPT qualifiers. Played the $5.50+R and came in 7th when top 5 moved to the $109 qualifier, with a stack of 10k and blinds at 800/1.6k I shoved on the button with 79 to steal and got called with Q10 and AA. It happens.

Moved on to playing some Badugi. These games are so soft because most of the people playing are just testing it out to see what it's like. Played $1/$2 and left a winner.

Just for the hell of it I tried playing $3/$6 Limit 2-7 Triple Draw, and I actually made a bit of money, although the variance in triple draw is pretty sick. So I sort of hit and run it.

Went and played 0.25/0.50 PLO and lost $50. I'm down like $325 for the last 3-4 days, it hasn't been very good losing about half my bankroll. Oh well, hopefully things will turn around.

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